Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why is my usb rugged drive heat up my workstation? and how do i fix this?

i get an external usb 2.0 enclosure(250 gb). when i turn it on, few mins later my laptop starts to beep and warmth raises resembling 10 C. whats not normal is, im not doing anything, no directory transfer, no encoding no zilch!, when i check the task overseer, it reads 3-5 % cpu usage. how do i fix this? also my motherboard is a msi nforce2 k7n2g on winXP sp2.

Why is my usb rugged drive heat up my workstation? and how do i fix this?

There is completely no way an external USB concrete drive could heat up your system. It is most predictable that your CPU fan is not functioning right or not at adjectives.

If it's a brand name PC I would insist on that you take it into a PC repair shop for a diagnostic. It could be the CPU disciple, a case devotee, power supply fan or mainboard chipset disciple.

Or it could be that the BIOS alarm is set to a too low of a temperature for the CPU and it think it's overheating. Check your BIOS settings.

The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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